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QSort Ex

  • Develops thinking speed
  • Improves logic
  • Enhances creativity


While reading a book, listening to music or doing daily activities, our brain processes huge amounts of information. Attention helps not to get lost in the flow. In the properties of attention the question of concentration, determination of priorities and objectives plays an important role, because it depends largely on the effectiveness of the cognitive functions in general. Attention has 4 properties: capacity, concentration, switching rate, stability. The "QSort Revolution" game develops these properties due to load and work with specific objects and their characteristics. High dynamics, fun gameplay, and lasting results will compensate invested time and energy on self-development.

How It Works

It is believed that adults are not able to concentrate on one task for more than 40 minutes. We do not even notice, but unconsciously switch focus to another object. This phenomenon leads to performance degradation, forces to spend more time in the long and monotonous work. Regularly practicing on the trainer, you can improve the speed of thought and attention. This is due to the development of switching attention. All objectives are achieved by a predetermined pattern. It includes a study of the problem, development of optimal solutions and evaluation of results. By performing simple actions, which IQClass service offers, you will improve the connections between neurons to get the right answer faster.

What It Gives

Our attention is routinely used in a variety of everyday situations at work or school. We know that it is impossible to develop a single certain skill. Human Cognitive function is a complex and mysterious world of close relationships. Developing attention, you are guaranteed to have a positive impact on the thinking and memory, creativity and logic. The main prerequisite for the use of trainers and psychological stress tests is their high efficiency in the development of human capabilities. Developing attention, your work on improving your quality of life begins with a conscious action aimed at increasing intelligence. It is obvious that every person is characterized by degrees of attention, depending on the inclinations, professional activity. IQClass service teaches to reach maximum concentration in situations where it is necessary to quickly switch attention, to find relationships between objects and events.


Unlike the previous version of the game - "QSort" - this version, a part of the premium package, is a little more complicated. Now, you need not only to be identify objects by color and shape, but you need to identify the color of the background. If the background is light, you need to look for a similar-color figure, if it is dark - find a similar-shape figure. Thanks to this innovation, the game has become more interesting, the adults and children will like fitness for the brain.

How We Developed It

Attention is a psychological focus of activity aimed at obtaining information from the objects or events in the environment, or the organism itself. The "QSort Revolution" game will help learn how to switch between tasks, based on the conditions quickly. This mechanism demonstrates very clearly, how fast and easy it is to confuse the untrained intellect. Moreover, an additional constraint extends the scope of short-term memory, increases the return on investment in training. Each player has the ability to view statistics based on the results of their workouts. This allows you to check the progress and dynamics of the development of skills.

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