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Speed Match

  • Develops memory accuracy
  • Improves memory rate
  • Enhances visual memory


It is not that only nature determines our abilities and opportunities. A major role in the effectiveness of brain activity and disability is played by lifestyle, the attention to self-development and richness of professional activity. "Speed Comparing" demonstrates your hidden potential and will help to develop the ability to quickly memorize and adopt informed decisions logically.

How It Works

The formation of new connections in the cortex simplifies the process of remembering, leads to a rapid exchange of information, speeds up the thought process. Our psyche is developed on the basis of external conditions. Sometimes, due to the nature of professional activity and everyday life, impairment of memory and observed concentration, decreased speed of thinking take place. IQClass provides a complex approach to improving cognitive functions. The game "Speed Match" involves several areas of the brain, allowing to recognize object, remember and recall information, make a decision based on the data obtained. Public life, information, complexity of work processes requires from a modern human ability to quickly memorize and accurately reproduce the vast amounts of information. The game "SpeedMatch" can help to develop memory, regular exercise will improve the relationship between the processes occurring in the brain.

What It Gives

Regular exercise with "Speed Comparing" will help to get quick and reliable results. IQClass automatically offers optimum load training program. We have created an unparalleled database of unique and effective psychological trainers with proven effectiveness. "Speed Comparing" is relevant not only for students and pupils, but also for middle-aged and elderly people. Regular training ensures toned state of your intellectual abilities and improve memory performance, attention, thinking.


The game menu is simple enough. Images of objects appear on the screen, which may vary in shape or color. The player's task is to determine whether the image is similar to the previous one. More correct answers - more points, and, consequently, the better result. The player can make three errors, each error takes game life. "Speed Comparing" is the exercise with time limit, so you need to strive to give as many correct answers as possible. The game is available in the "daily exercise" mode or in the games directory.

How We Developed It

A large number of psychological trainers from IQClass service are enhanced or modified versions of known tests or exercises that were widely used in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Our team uses the opportunity of informatization of known psychological exercises. "Speed Comparing" is accompanied by a powerful statistical complex, access to which players get through the personal account. So, regularly completing tasks, everyone can check the current result and compare it with previous periods.

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The game is based
on scientific theory

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