Thinking - Logic

Skill development logic


Logical thinking is the specific type of thinking using logical constructions, laws and terms. Logical thinking may be useful not only while studying exact science, but in any field of human activity involving analysis of information and making the right decision. Also, logic is the one of the main components of intelligence quotient assessment.

Why it is profitable to train logic?

Logical thinking allows to make more grounded and correct conclusions, encourages better line of thought in texts and public speeches. Logic helps to make less mistakes and deal with mistakes and false of other people better.

Games developing logic

Game  QSort


Select a shape, which is exactly the same in color and shape or does not coincide at all.

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Game  Math Compare

Math Compare

Compare numbers and math operations as quickly as possible. You can use the arrow keys on the keyboard.

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Game  Fast Addition Ex

Fast Addition Ex

You need to choose the correct terms, the amount of which is equal to a given number, as fast as possible.

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Game  Movements


In each round of the game you have to memorize the movement of treasure chest on the map.

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