Memory - Spatial memory

Skill development spatial memory

Spatial memory

One of the most important memory components is spatial memory, it helps to orientate in the surrounding world, recall the route to the library, find the needed places in books, recognize familiar and unfamiliar faces and even button the shirt.

Why it is profitable to train spatial memory ?

With the developed spatial memory, you will find it easier to recall the parking place, the house your friend lives in and the short route to the subway.

Games developing spatial memory

Game  Find Changes

Find Changes

The screen displays a set of objects. You have to remember them. After a few seconds, the screen will change and you will have to specify which element has changed.

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Game  Fruits Math

Fruits Math

Quickly count fruits on the screen and answer the question. You can use the arrow keys on the keyboard.

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Game  Memory Matrix

Memory Matrix

In each round of the game is shown playing field consisting of cells. A certain number of cells painted over. It is necessary to remember the position of these cells and replicate their position after they disappeared.

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Game  QSort


Select a shape, which is exactly the same in color and shape or does not coincide at all.

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