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Start trainingSkill development memory capacity
How much information may be stored at once? All that depends on the memory type: in the long-term memory, information may be stored for unlimited time; and the situation is absolutely for the short-term and working memory. Curiously enough, measurement of the short-term memory capacity goes in pieces and is equal to 7±2 elements. They may be letters, works, and even several works or other structured elements. This capacity may be increased through development by the short-term and working memory by active training.
Why it is profitable to train memory capacity?
Foreign words, giant to-do and grocery lists... How can all that be put into the brain, without losing an element? Increase of memory capacity will help to memorize faster and more reliable, in great amounts and most cases. With that, you will need no pencil or cell phone note for that.
Enhance your child’s cognitive potential with IQClass, trusted by more than 80697 parents!
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