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Letter Span

  • Develops memory capacity
  • Improves memory accuracy
  • Enhances semantic memory


Quite a great number of IQClass service trainers are created with the objective of improving memory, especially working memory efficiency. Scientists have proven the relation between memory capacity and the level of human intelligence. On the average, in the working memory, 7 ± 2 elements can be placed. Basic processes going along with them are: encoding, storage and retrieval. The "Letter Span" game is a unique trainer, with which, at regular training, you can increase memory capacity, thanks to a specially developed mechanism of constructing the training program. Purposefully engaged in the development of cognitive function, you can improve the quality of your life, achieve new heights in your career, because your performance will improve.

How It Works

During memorizing of a letter set, active exchange of information between short-term and long-term memory takes place. As a result, interconnections in the cerebral cortex improve. Our intellect rationally spends its resources. Only information currently required for rapid response is transferred to the short-term storage. The remaining data is arranged in the encoded form capable of instantaneous transfer. This means that such large pieces of information, as the notation of numbers, letters, mathematical symbols can not be fully used without transfer into the working memory. "Letter Span" triggers memory expansion capabilities. This is due to the regular repetition of simple actions to stimulate the exchange of data between different types of memory. Moreover, attention is also activated. After shopping in the store, you can not remember the color of the seller’s eyes, not because you have a bad memory, but because you did not pay attention to this detail.

What It Gives

Despite the fact that a person uses memory every second, very few people know how to work with it. Researchers have proven that even those people who possess exceptional abilities of memorizing have the same average capabilities as a normal person - 7 ± 2 elements. The difference is memorizing algorithm, the ability to use both short-term and long-term information storage. For example, when grouping the letters on a particular principle, you can remember much more, because it is the one thing - to remember a sequence of 10 digits, another thing will be the word of 10 letters. You will learn how to focus, be able to develop the skill of speed reading, develop photographic memory.


The player is shown a set of random letters on the screen. The task is to remember them in a strict sequence. For the answer, you can use the virtual or physical keyboard. IQClass team development is implemented in the game - it is the adaptive mechanism of training construction. Based on the responses, the program will automatically complicate or simplify training to maximize its effectiveness. More correct answers leads to higher final score, which can be compared with the previous values.

How We Developed It

Even in 1970, possibility to increase the long-term and short-term memory was proved. The main task facing the developers of the "Letter Span" game was to teach users to encode, record and play back information with high quality. Such stress tests also improve the functioning of attention. As a result of a comprehensive approach, under the guidance of the best clinical psychologists and scientists of Moscow, the basis for effective fitness for the brain and the maintenance of intelligence shape has been created. Classical game interface: DigitSpan

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The game is based
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