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Color Matrix

  • Develops involuntary attention
  • Improves attention span
  • Enhances attention switching


Theories about thinking development, dominating in the modern psychology, are proven over and over again by expertimets and analysis of statistical data. Humankind approached another step toward understanding the phenomenon of intelligence, its interaction with the outside world. IQClass service offers you a unique and interesting game - "Color Matrices". It was created on the basis of studies that describe the development of spatial thinking, it includes an adaptive mechanism for building workouts, so your trainings will be held under the strict control of the software package with increased efficiency. We managed to create a pleasant and intuitive interface that implements a simple but still interesting game rules. With the help of the "Color Matrices" trainer, you will be able to develop a way of thinking not only in quantitative but also a qualitative dimension.

How It Works

Almost all theories describing the thinking mechanisms include the determination mechanism. This means that intelligence is a complex and high-performance system, comprising lots of components, including decision memory, attention control. Training with "Color Matrices", you activate several functions at once, placing a specific task that requires the optimal load for the development of cognitive functions. Thinking operation algorithm includes 7 stages: recognition of the problem, assessment of available resources, developing a strategy, organization of information to solve the problem, the use of resources, tracking progress, evaluation of the results. Regular workouts allow this mechanism to work, to speed up communication between areas of the brain involved, form a connection that did not exist previously.

What It Gives

For some people, the solution of complex problems is an easy task, while others spend unacceptably long time on thinking. This is due to the specifics of thinking of each person. But the good news is that you can learn to think quickly and efficiently. Thanks to "Color Matrices" trainer, you will improve the speed of abstract thinking. It has several forms, which we actively use in everyday life and professional activity: a judgment, the concept or reasoning. Abstract-logical thinking is driven by human civilization by constructing theories, assumptions, in terms of not only the real (physical objects), but also imaginative concepts and assumptions. IQClass service will quickly draw the correct conclusions, improve the quality of your life and teach you to recognize the illusion or logical self-deception.


The playing field of "Color Matrices" consists of a number of cells, which are located in zones of different colors. The player's task is to determine what color is more present and click on the corresponding cell. The trainer perfectly hones decision speed due to the high dynamics of the process, the automatic selection of complexity, depending on the results. When giving wrong answers, a you lose game life; if you answer correctly, the complexity will increase, and the number of bonus points will do so. This game is an excellent way to change the appearance of brain activity, switch to a fascinating process, which also develops your ability.

How We Developed It

Often, games like "Color Matrices" are associated with the definition of the level of intelligence ( IQ-problems ). The objective of IQClass service is to create a convenient and effective platform for the development of cognitive functions and increase intelligence. We have divided the games on the degree of impact on certain skills: attention, thinking and memory. Thanks to the collection of statistics on your results, you can evaluate the progress of development of your abilities, obtain an adequate assessment of the result. The experience of our players confirms that after a few weeks of regular exercise you will notice improvement in concentration, attention, ability to rapid decision-making. The "Color Matrices" game will take performing simple logic operations to automatism that will not go unnoticed by your relatives or colleagues.

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