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  • Develops memory capacity
  • Improves visual memory
  • Enhances spatial memory


Everyone knows the story of Treasure Island and grumpy, ill-tempered pirates and their countless treasures. IQClass team decided to create an exciting and interesting game that is capable not only to  let you relax after a hard day's work and help have a good time, but also to develop your memory and spatial thinking. "Movements" activates three algorithms of memory at the same time: memorizing, storage, and reproduction of information already received. The core of the history is the treasure chest, which pirates are going to hide from prying eyes. Challenge your luck! Due to the adaptive mechanism of building workouts, you will get the optimal load based on your results.

How It Works

Scientists have found that the basic thought process takes place in the cerebral cortex. There are centers that are responsible for memory, pattern recognition, logical thinking, behavior, and much more. IQClass service trainers combine scientific approach based on the cutting-edge research and development techniques of cognitive functions, exciting and easy game form, a unique software environment to calculate the results. As soon as the consciousness addresses areas of the brain that store memories, they are reproduced. The more we turn to the memory, the better the neural connections in the brain are established, the more efficiently our intelligence works. Spatial perception is also trained in the "Movements" game, because the player has to recognize the image and the direction in which the arrow points, to compare these data with the map of the playing field.

What It Gives

Regular training on the trainer improves concentration, trains working memory. Information that gets into the working memory is stored in milliseconds. Frequent or repetitive stimulation leads to the recording of data in the long-term storage. We will teach you to store a larger volume, to be able to contact your brain with specific requests, and receive quick answers. The "Movements" game is based on the spatial perception mechanism. Moving on the playing field with the help of arrows, you are being stimulated by the chest to increase the number of memorized actions. Short-term memory is characterized by a clear recording and playback sequence. In other words, memorizing the direction of the arrows movement, you are improving your own perception of the telephone number, memorize addresses and contract numbers.


Intricate Pirates have decided to hide the chest in a secret location. Your task will be to track their movements and find the treasure. The playing field consists of multiple cells. Before the game, you can see the starting position of the chest full of gold. Then the screen will display the images of arrows indicating the movement of the robbers with their countless treasures. Your success and the correct answers will lead to an increase in the difficulty leve;, the playing field will expand, andthere will be more actions to memorize. The adaptive mechanism of the IQClass service increases the efficiency of training. Do not forget to evaluate the results of your training in your personal account. It presents statistics and the basic parameters of the progress of training on the development of thinking, attention and memory.

How We Developed It

"Movements" is a new thing released by IQClass team for regular players as a gift. The trainer is very exciting, dynamic, having the addictive gameplay. Most believe the prototye of this game is "Shell Game", which appeared in ancient Greece, and later in India. In many places it was called differently - Playing with Cups, King in Hiding. Since the first mention in the III century BC, the principle of the game has not changed. Brain fitness offers an exciting game without scams based only on your work and the desire to expand cognitive capabilities.

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