The answer is given!

I have been pouring over this all day and would appreciate if someone could look this over for me with some good news... am I getting it? Gracias! >> represents my chosen answer.1. Having studied small engine repair in night school, fixing the lawn mower was easy. misplaced modifier >>dangling modifierfaulty predication incomplete comparison 2. When I asked for a submarine, the convenience store clerk said he didn't have kits for making model ships with a confused look. >>misplaced modifier dangling modifier faulty predication incomplete comparison 3. I always think linen napkins are nicer. midplaced modifier dangling modifierfa faulty predication >>incomplete comparison 4. The reason she is not here is because she is ill. misplaced modifier dangling modifier >>faulty predication incomplete comparison 5. The wind was howling and blowing a hundred miles an hour when suddenly there is a big crash, and a tree falls into Rocky's living room. The sentence shifts in person >>tense discourse voice and subject 6. The bulldozer clanked into the woods and the ground was disturbed. This sentence shifts in number mood >>voice and subject discourse 7. Some used car salesmen twist the truth. Be careful when you talk to them. This sentence shifts in >>mood voice and subject person number 8. If one smokes cigarettes, you run the risk of getting lung cancer. number mood tense >>person 9. Anyone who rides a bicycle every day will discover that they develop some muscles not developed by jogging. This sentence shifts in person >>number mood discourse 10. The person sat down at the counter and asked did we have any scruples. This sentence shifts in mood >>discourse tense voice and subject 11. He brought home a new car - large, fire-engine red, fast, and which he could not afford. unclear pronoun reference lack of parallelism >>mixed metaphor simile 12. He wrote a hot check. The word hot is used >>poorly clearly connotatively denotatively 13. Hot flames poured out of the grill. The word hot is used >>poorly clearly connotatively denotatively 14. Have you booted the disk? The word booted is >>jargon sexist language euphemism regional 15. When is the blessed event supposed to take place? Blessed event is jargon sexist language >>euphemism colloquial 16. The male nurse left the room. Male nurse is jargon >>sexist language euphemism colloquial 17. Mortality weighs heavily upon me like an unwilling sleep. Samuel Johnson metaphor >>simile personification hyperbole 18. He flunked the chemistry test. Flunked is jargon sexist language euphemism >>colloquial 19. But time did beckon to the flowers. Herbert metaphor simile >>personification hyperbole 20. Here the once embattled farmers stood and fired the shot heard round the world. metaphor simile personification >>hyperbole 21. Select the most effective sentence. Baxter worried about his English exam when he thought about it. >>Baxter felt a pang of existential anxiety when he comtemplated his English exam. When Baxter thought of his English test, he freaked out. Thinking about the English exam, worry came over Baxter. 22. Identify the type of organization used in the following sentence: I went to the buffet six times, and I still saved room for dessert. subordination >>coordination religious secular 23. Identify the type of organization in the following sentence: Since I was hungry again in an hour, I went to Whataburger. secular religious >>subordination coordination 24. I am ____ distraught over my horrible love life ____ commiserate with you over yours. to, too to, to >>too, to too, too

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Supergra 1 answer

They all look good, except 7 and 11.

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