1. A 15-year old female patient has experienced daily nausea for the past two months. The patient states that she feels like "I've eaten something that has upset my stomach.: She denies vomiting and weight loss. The patient has noticed a weight gain of 10 lb within this two-month period. Which heading of the medical history and physical examination does this statement represent? A. Family history B. Chief complaint C. Social history D. Present illness2. The patient’s glucose is 80 mg/dL (80 mg% is approximately an equivalent expression some hospitals and other health care institutions use the former unit construction, whereas others use the latter); creatinine, 0.2 mg/dL (0.2 mg% is approximately an equivalent expression); and albumin is within normal limits. These test results represent part of aA. blood chemistry profileB. urinalysisC. electrocardiogramD. diagnosis3. The lateral ports were removed. Where would these ports be located? A. Toward the back B. Toward the head C. Farthest from the median D. Toward the front4. A 65-year-old patient has a murmur over the apex of the heart. What does the term apex represent? A. Tip B. Nearest the middle C. Front D. Back5. The patient reports smoking three packs of cigarettes per month. She denies drug and alcohol use. This statement is an example of A. social history B. family history C. physical examination D. chief complaint6. The patient went into cardiac arrest. The (-ac) portion of the word is a/an A. noun suffix B. plural suffix C. combining form D. adjective suffix7. A 16-year-old patient is having problems with a swollen gland on the left side of her neck. The physician is most likely to use __________ to determine if the gland has any atypical characteristics. A. auscultation B. percussion C. palpation D. visualization8. During surgery 1 cm of subcutaneous fat is revealed. What does the prefix in the word subcutaneous mean? A. Across B. Under C. Around D. Within9. The patient’s face shows pustular lesions and comedone formation. The skin’s surface is quite inflamed. Which of the following diagnoses best describes this statement?A. RosaceaB. Sebaceous cystC. Acne vulgarisD. Measles10. A 33-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital for treatment of angina. The physician's medication orders included nitroglycerin. What type of action does this drug have?A. PalliativeB. PlaceboC. TherapeuticD. Prophylactic11. The patient was brought to the hospital emergency room with a stab wound to the patellar area. A needle was inserted to remove synovial fluid from the joint. What type of procedure was done?A. ArthrocentesisB. Revision arthroplasty C. MeniscectomyD. Ostectomy12. The patient was prescribed suppositories to be inserted rectally for nausea and vomiting. What drug administration route is being used in this scenario?A. GastrointestinalB. IntramuscularC. ParenteralD. Subcutaneous13. The medication presently prescribed is Rhinocort Aqua spray. This medication is taken through which medication route?A. RectalB. InhalationC. TopicalD. Intravenous14. The young woman’s arm was covered with tiny ephelides, which areA. birthmarksB. frecklesC. small tumorsD. cysts15. What does the abbreviation “AD” represent in a medical report?A. Left earB. Both earsC. Right earD. Right eye16. Anna has an upper respiratory tract infection. She has had a fever of 103F for the past three days. She is taking Tylenol to help reduce her fever. What type of drug action does this medication provide?A. PlaceboB. ProphylacticC. TherapeuticD. Palliative17. The patient had a free-moving clot. What is another term for this type of clot?A. GangreneB. EmbolismC. StenosisD. Murmur18. History revealed that the patient previously underwent a post surgical procedure to correct valvular stenosis. What is the name of this procedure?A. EchocardiogramB. Cardiac catheterizationC. Heart valveD. Commissurotomy19. Chief complaint: Pallor, numbness in the fingers. History of present illness: A 69-year-old female has temporary constriction of arterioles on the skin. Which of the following diagnoses would fit the physician’s impression?A. Unstable anginaB. Pleural effusionC. Raynaud’s phenomenonD. Congestive heart failure20. With the patient lying in the supine position, the carotid vein was cut. What operative procedure was done?A. AngioplastyB. AtherectomyC. EmbolectomyD. Phlebotomy21. A 42-year-old black male is admitted to the hospital several times for the treatment of PVCs. Which of the following conditions does the patient have?A. PhlebitisB. Premature ventricular contractionsC. Peripheral vascular diseaseD. Pericarditis22. Which of the following terms describes a bluish discoloration of the extremities due to inadequate supply of oxygen?A. CoarctationB. CarditisC. AcrocyanosisD. Regurgitation23. Chief complaint: The patient states, “I feel like something is stuck in my windpipe.” What is another term for windpipe?A. PharynxB. TracheaC. DiaphragmD. Epiglottis24.This 52-year-old school teacher was diagnosed in 1997 with_________. This cancer type represents 90% of all malignancies.A. mixed-tissue tumorB. sarcomaC. carcinomaD. multiple myeloma

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