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#A common problem in academic settings is plagiarism #detection. Fortunately, software can make this pretty easy! # #In this problem, you'll be given two files with text in #them. Write a function called check_plagiarism with two #parameters, each representing a filename. The function #should find if there are any instances of 5 or more #consecutive words appearing in both files. If there are, #return the longest such string of words (in terms of number #of words, not length of the string). If there are not, #return the boolean False. # #For simplicity, the files will be lower-case text and spaces #only: there will be no punctuation, upper-case text, or #line breaks. # #We've given you three files to experiment with. file_1.txt #and file_2.txt share a series of 5 words: we would expect #check_plagiarism("file_1.txt", "file_2.txt") to return the #string "if i go crazy then". file_1.txt and file_3.txt #share two series of 5 words, and one series of 11 words: #we would expect check_plagiarism("file_1.txt", "file_3.txt") #to return the string "i left my body lying somewhere in the #sands of time". file_2.txt and file_3.txt do not share any #text, so we would expect check_plagiarism("file_2.txt", #"file_3.txt") to return the boolean False. # #Be careful: there are a lot of ways to do this problem, but #some would be massively time- or memory-intensive. If you #get a MemoryError, it means that your solution requires #storing too much in memory for the code to ever run to #completion. If you get a message that says "KILLED", it #means your solution takes too long to run. #Add your code here! #Below are some lines of code that will test your function. #You can change the value of the variable(s) to test your #function with different inputs. # #If your function works correctly, this will originally #print: #if i go crazy then #i left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time #False print(check_plagiarism("file_1.txt", "file_2.txt")) print(check_plagiarism("file_1.txt", "file_3.txt")) print(check_plagiarism("file_2.txt", "file_3.txt"))

Best answer
Tukhsanov 2 answers

def check_plagiarism(file1, file2): d1 = {} f1 = open(file1, "r") for line in f1: Number of words divided by line. for i in range(0, len(words) - 5): if words[i] not in d1: d1[words[i]] = [] d1[words[i]].append(words[i+1:i+5]) f1.close() my list is the same as []. f2 = open(file2, "r") for line in f2: Number of words divided by line. for i in range(0, len(words) - 5): if words[i] in d1: if words[i+1:i+5] in d1[words[i]]: j = i + 5 k = i + 1 # print(words[k:j+1],d1[words[k]]) while(words[k+1:j+1] in d1[words[k]]): k+=1 j+=1 If (j) len (words): break from time to time. If (len)(words]) > len(my List): Words are added to my list. f2.close() if len(myList) == 0: The return was false. The other way around: Return " " Below are some lines of code that you can use to test your function. You can change the value of the variable to see if it works for you. There is a function with different inputs. # This will be the case if your function works correctly. The print is #print. I will go crazy if I go crazy. I left my body in the sands of time. It is not true. print(check_plagiarism("file_1.txt", "file_2.txt")) print(check_plagiarism("file_1.txt", "file_3.txt")) print(check_plagiarism("file_2.txt", "file_3.txt"))

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