Please I am in a hurry, I need an answer asap. I have seen an answer previously regarding to this question, however I found a lot of mistakes on it, where the guy declared a public class, which is not a thing in C language. Furthermore it is important to divide the question into two C files, one for part a and one for part b. hw2 Merge Sort algorithm using 2 processes a.) Define an integer array of 100 integers. Populate this array with random numbers. You can use int rand(void); function. Do not forget to initialize this function. You will sort the numbers in the array using merge-sort algorithm. In merge sort algorithm the half of the array will be sorted by one process and second half will be sorted by another process. Use pid_t fork(void); system call to create a child process. Then send the second half of the array to the child process using a pipe. The parent process and child process sort their arrays concurrently. Then child process send its sorted array to the parent process using a pipe. The parent process merges the sorted arrays and prints it to the screen. to create a pipe you can use int pipe(int pipefd[2]); system call. b.) use message queue to pass arrays between two processes in the example above. To create a message queue you can use int msgget(key_t key, int msgflg); system call. To send/receive messages use int msgsnd(int msqid, const void *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg); ssize_t msgrcv(int msqid, void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg); hint: use 2 message queues. You are going to submit 2 programs, the first one with pipes and the second one with message queues. You should not waste your time on merge-sort algorithm. Use the merge sort algorithm given below void mergesort(int a[],int i,int j) { int mid; if(i<j) { mid=(i+j)/2; mergesort(a,i,mid); //left recursion mergesort(a,mid+1,j); //right recursion merge(a,i,mid,mid+1,j); //merging of two sorted sub-arrays } } void merge(int a[],int i1,int j1,int i2,int j2) { int temp[50]; //array used for merging int i,j,k; i=i1; //beginning of the first list j=i2; //beginning of the second list k=0; while(i<=j1 && j<=j2) //while elements in both lists { if(a[i]<a[j]) temp[k++]=a[i++]; else temp[k++]=a[j++]; } while(i<=j1) //copy remaining elements of the first list temp[k++]=a[i++]; while(j<=j2) //copy remaining elements of the second list temp[k++]=a[j++]; //Transfer elements from temp[] back to a[] for(i=i1,j=0;i<=j2;i++,j++) a[i]=temp[j]; }

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