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efer Figure2 to answer questions 18-21: 8. produce the myelin sheaths of neurons in the central Figure 2 nervous system. 19 form the Blood Brain Barrier 20._ are responsible for neurotransmitter release. 21 have ligand gated ion channels that are activated by neurotransmitters 22. Functionally, which cellular location is the neuron's "decision- making site" as to whether or not an action potential will be initiated? A axonal membrane B. axon hillock C. dendritic membrane D. presynaptic membrane 23. Calcium and ATP bind to specific sites on sarcomere proteins. Which pairings are correct? and Ca to tropomyosin A. ATP to myosin B ATP to tropomyosin and Ca" to actin C. ATP to actin D ATP to myosin E. ATP to myosin actin and Ca" to myosin and Ca" to troponin and to actin E. ATP to myosinand C 24. The membrane potential that exactly balances an ion's concentration gradient is called the E. inhibitory postsynaptic A. graded potential. B. threshold potential. C equilibrium potential. D. action potential potential 25. Wernicke's and Broca's regions of the brain affect E. hearing and balance A olfaction. B. vision. C. language and speech. D. memory 26. What factors are involved in determining the resting membrane potential of a neuron? A. 1 and 4 B. 1, 3, and 4 C. 2 and 5 D. 2, 3, and 5 E. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 1 the exact concentration of ion inside and outside the cell 2 the ratio of ion concentrations inside and outside the cell 3 the sum of the number of Na and K voltage gated channels 4 the exact number of Na and K leakage channels 5 the ratio of the number of Na and K leakage channels andduring muscular contraction. C. myosin, troponin 27. Cross-bridges form between between E. troponin, calmodulin A actin, myosin B. actin, tropomyosin D. myosin, tropomyosin 28. The role of voltage-gated potassium channels in an action potential is: A. To facilitate release of neurotransmitter molecules at the synaptic cleft. B. To generate the hyperpolarization. C. Depolarization of the neuron from resting membrane potential. D. Temporary, total inhibition of further action potentials. 29. The divisions of the nervous system that have antagonistic, or opposing, actions are the A motor & sensory systems B. sympathetic& parasympathetic systems. C. D. motor & sympathetic systems central nervous system & peripheral nervous system. 30. An inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) occurs in a membrane made more permeable to C. calcium ions. D. ATP potassium ions. B. sodium ions. 3 I efer Figure2 to answer questions 18-21: 8. produce the myelin sheaths of neurons in the central Figure 2 nervous system. 19 form the Blood Brain Barrier 20._ are responsible for neurotransmitter release. 21 have ligand gated ion channels that are activated by neurotransmitters 22. Functionally, which cellular location is the neuron's "decision- making site" as to whether or not an action potential will be initiated? A axonal membrane B. axon hillock C. dendritic membrane D. presynaptic membrane 23. Calcium and ATP bind to specific sites on sarcomere proteins. Which pairings are correct? and Ca to tropomyosin A. ATP to myosin B ATP to tropomyosin and Ca" to actin C. ATP to actin D ATP to myosin E. ATP to myosin actin and Ca" to myosin and Ca" to troponin and to actin E. ATP to myosinand C 24. The membrane potential that exactly balances an ion's concentration gradient is called the E. inhibitory postsynaptic A. graded potential. B. threshold potential. C equilibrium potential. D. action potential potential 25. Wernicke's and Broca's regions of the brain affect E. hearing and balance A olfaction. B. vision. C. language and speech. D. memory 26. What factors are involved in determining the resting membrane potential of a neuron? A. 1 and 4 B. 1, 3, and 4 C. 2 and 5 D. 2, 3, and 5 E. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 1 the exact concentration of ion inside and outside the cell 2 the ratio of ion concentrations inside and outside the cell 3 the sum of the number of Na and K voltage gated channels 4 the exact number of Na and K leakage channels 5 the ratio of the number of Na and K leakage channels andduring muscular contraction. C. myosin, troponin 27. Cross-bridges form between between E. troponin, calmodulin A actin, myosin B. actin, tropomyosin D. myosin, tropomyosin 28. The role of voltage-gated potassium channels in an action potential is: A. To facilitate release of neurotransmitter molecules at the synaptic cleft. B. To generate the hyperpolarization. C. Depolarization of the neuron from resting membrane potential. D. Temporary, total inhibition of further action potentials. 29. The divisions of the nervous system that have antagonistic, or opposing, actions are the A motor & sensory systems B. sympathetic& parasympathetic systems. C. D. motor & sympathetic systems central nervous system & peripheral nervous system. 30. An inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) occurs in a membrane made more permeable to C. calcium ions. D. ATP potassium ions. B. sodium ions. 3 I

Best answer

Answer = 18. The myelin sheath in neuron is produced by= myelin sheath is a lipid rich substance found in central nervous system by glial cells called as oligodendrocytes. 19. The junctions between the cells that form the blood brain barrier are called the endothelial cells. also formed with glial cells known as astrocytes. 20. The release of neurotransmitters is caused by the release of neurons or nerve cells. generally presynaptic neurons release neurotransmitters. 21. The ion channels in the neuron are activated by the neurotransmitters.

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