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Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Around the turn of the century, African Americans moving to cities in the North experienced substantially less racism than did African Americans in the South. more opportunities to become skilled workers than they had two decades earlier. increasing residential segregation. good opportunities to buy integrated housing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Between 1877 and 1893, American politics failed to produce a single capable president. focused on racial politics. celebrated the government that governed least. was dominated by the Democrats. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)The expression “Gilded Age” originated as the title of a 1909 essay by English critic G. Lowes Dickinson, who claimed that “in America there is no culture.” title of a novel by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner that was published in 1873 and satirized America as a land of vulgar money grubbers. characterization applied admiringly to America by Andrew Carnegie in 1888 as he described his philanthropic work. title of the ironic 1907 memoir by Henry Adams describing his sense of detachment from late-nineteenth-century American materialism. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the conduct of American diplomacy in the late nineteenth century? Most American diplomats were appointed after passing civil service examinations. In Asia, Africa, and the Pacific islands, diplomacy was left to American missionaries who worked to Christianize native populations. The State Department exercised increasingly tighter control over U.S. consuls and naval officers abroad. Preoccupied with domestic politics, the Senate almost entirely abandoned foreign affairs to the presidency's control. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes industry in post–Civil War American cites? Most smaller cities still depended on agricultural ties for economic survival. In most industries, the scale of production increased. Older commercial centers refused to permit factory districts. Industrial entrepreneurs preferred to keep the scale of factories small and confined within city boundaries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 6 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Progressives believed that the social Darwinists were correct in their thinking. people could act constructively and successfully. America was drifting helplessly toward catastrophe. a strong hand at the top was needed to end America's drift toward social chaos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 7 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Under the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, the United States would intervene in the internal affairs of a Caribbean nation only on invitation from the government in power. intervene against any rebel force in a Caribbean nation. act unilaterally to regulate the affairs of any Caribbean nation. look to Mexico, the most powerful Latin American nation, to police the Caribbean countries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 8 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)The introduction of mass production in the late nineteenth-century American economy made work more interesting. gave workers a greater sense of accomplishment. gave workers greater control over the pace of their work. increased workers' output. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 9 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Compulsory segregation, other than in education, was first imposed on southern blacks as an immediate consequence of the withdrawal of federal troops from the South in 1877. as an immediate consequence of the Supreme Court's 1883 ruling that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional. with the active support of President Grover Cleveland during his first term in office. during the late 1880s in the form of southern states' prohibitions against blacks traveling in first-class railroad passenger cars. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 10 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes immigrants' accommodation to city life in the United States around 1900? They discarded their ethnic customs and traditional holidays as quickly as possible to blend in with native-born Americans. Each family looked out solely for its own interests. Many joined temperance societies to become sober American workers. Many relied on native-language newspapers, the conviviality of saloons, and the assistance of mutual-aid societies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 11 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)The notion of “separate spheres” in the late nineteenth century referred to the controversial idea and debate that men and women had different natures. women were equal to men. women's place was in the public realm. women were not fit for a higher spiritual realm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 12 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Which of the following does not characterize the progressives of the early twentieth century? They tended to pride themselves on being tough-minded reformers. They had confidence in ordinary people's capacity to take significant action. They were idealistic. They usually aligned themselves with business interests and the private sector. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 13 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Between 1876 and 1892, Americans were highly partisan and politically active. apathetic about politics. independent-minded voters. reluctant to join parties. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 14 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)At the end of the nineteenth century, urban Protestant churches reacted to the influx of non-Protestants by evangelizing and making the church an instrument of social uplift. isolating themselves from surrounding neighborhoods. sending their most effective ministers into downtown churches and synagogues to counter the Catholics and convert the Jews. segregating their congregations according to social class. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 15 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the Sioux? They had lived on the Great Plains for thousands of years before the coming of white settlers. Until the mid-nineteenth century, they had no commercial relations with white Americans. They migrated to the Great Plains in the mid-eighteenth century where, with the aid of horses acquired from southwestern tribes, they dominated or expelled other tribes from the region. They adapted poorly to the Great Plains environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 16 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Many clerics in the late nineteenth century, such as the Episcopal bishop William Lawrence and the Baptist minister Russell H. Conwell, denounced individualism as being selfish. warned against materialism. urged the rich to become benefactors of the poor. offered justifications for the pursuit of wealth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 17 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)In their efforts to improve working conditions, the Knights of Labor stressed cooperative factories owned and managed by workers. the effectiveness of the general strike. the importance of organizing a political party. the support of the Republican Party. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 18 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Southern California began to develop rapidly in the 1880s owing to its suitability for wheat growing. extensive publicity about its sunny, healthful climate. water diverted from the Colorado River. the arrival of thousands of Japanese-born homesteaders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 19 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Between 1877 and 1893, Republicans and Democrats represented competing conservative and liberal ideologies. made political principles an important part of their strategy. were admired by British political observers. did not represent clearly opposing positions, as party differences became unclear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 20 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)According to turn-of-the-century legal scholar John Bassett Moore, by acquiring several new territories the United States had retained its traditional stance of freedom from foreign entanglements. become an unscrupulous empire builder. become what was commonly called a world power.” taken the next logical step in the evolution of the American experiment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 21 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Early twentieth-century civil rights advocates who created the Niagara Movement called for all of the following except encouragement of black pride. full political and civil equality for African Americans. reversal of stereotypes that demeaned African Americans. the payment of reparations to former slaves and their descendents. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 22 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Which of the following does not correctly describe the building of the first transcontinental railroad? Two companies—the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific—won the contracts to build the railroad. The federal government subsidized the project with generous land grants and millions of dollars in public loans to the railroad companies. One company built east from California and one company built west from Nebraska until they met at Promontory, Utah. The company that built east from California advanced more rapidly than its competitor that built west. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 23 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)The strike by steelworkers at Homestead, Pennsylvania, resulted from Andrew Carnegie's desire to break the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. was the culmination of a long history of poor labor relations at Homestead. was led by immigrant German Marxists. ended when the strike leaders were held in contempt of court and jailed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 24 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Chinese immigrants to the United States in the nineteenth century came in their greatest numbers prior to 1850. numbered about 9 percent of California's population. were mostly women. were mostly unemployed and depended on government assistance to survive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 25 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)Germany's response to President Wilson's protests over the Lusitania incident was to call his bluff by refusing to halt submarine attacks, forcing Wilson to back down because the United States was not yet prepared for war. offer to halt submarine attacks only if the British lifted their blockade against Germany and permitted American ships to call at German ports. announce in September 1915 that submarine commanders would not attack passenger vessels without warning. apologize and immediately cease all submarine attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 26 (Essay Worth 5 points)Answer 1 of the following short answer questions. Be sure to include as much detail in your answer as possible. You should have 1-2 fully developed paragraphs in your answer: 1. What was the role of ther railroads in the settlement of the Great West? 2. Why did the AFL prevail over the Knights of Labor?

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Amalpriya 2 answers

Around the turn of the century, African Americans were moving to the cities in the North.

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